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Common Questions

How do I report an absence?
Please call the nurse's office as soon as possible at (315) 548-6900 or email and

What is the school policy on visitors?
All visitors are required to enter through the main office. The school’s main office is located on the right-side hand of the foyer. Please be prepared to show a driver’s license or other appropriate form of identification.

What about early pick-up?
Parents who need to pick up their child prior to dismissal must notify the main office before 1 p.m. The best and safest practice is to send a note with your child to school, communicate with your teacher through ParentSquare, and contact the main office directly as early as possible.

While we understand that emergencies occur, the deadline ensures that we have time to inform your child's teacher before dismissal. The MES office is not responsible for accommodating busing changes.  All bus changes must be arranged through the transportation department at (315) 548-6400. 

What is an SRO Police Officer Liaison?
Midlakes has a SRO (School Resource Officer) who helps with a variety of tasks at school, which includes establishing relationships with students and staff at school. They are available to assist with any situation that may arise during school hours.

What are the school's disaster drill procedures?
Your child's safety is our primary concern. State law mandates periodic practice safety and fire drills. We also have procedures in place for a lockdown, if necessary. When there is a lockdown situation, whether a drill or not, no one will be allowed into the building until the lockdown is canceled.

What is the morning classroom routine?
Teachers are expected to greet each child as he/she enters the classroom each morning to establish a welcoming and positive classroom environment for the day. Each child deserves to be greeted in the same manner and have their teacher's full attention in getting settled in for a successful school day of learning. This is not an appropriate time to conference with the teacher.

How do I contact my child's teacher?
Email the teacher using our staff directory, send a note through ParentSquare, or call the main office at 548-6900, and leave a message for the teacher. Your teacher may reach out with more specific information throughout the school year on how to best contact them.

Meals are free this year?
Yes. One full breakfast and one full lunch will be provided free of charge. A second full meal at breakfast or lunch will be charged, along with a la carte items. It is still important that families fill out the Community Eligibility Provision form located on our website, along with school meal menus and more.

How will I know what the “cycle day” is scheduled for a given day?
We have a cycle day calendar for the elementary school posted on our website. If school is closed for a snow emergency or other reason, we will not skip a cycle day and it simply gets pushed to the next available school day. Families can always log in to SchoolTool to review the cycle day.

Does the school district run the UPK program?
No. Our Children's Place runs the Universal Pre-Kindergarten that is housed in Midlakes Elementary School. Issues occurring on a school bus should be directed to Our Children’s Place.

What is the school's policy on field trips/permission slips?
A permission slip must be signed and returned or the student will NOT be permitted to go on the trip. No last-minute phone calls to parents will be made.

How often should I check my child's backpack?
Ask your child daily to show you the contents of his/her backpack daily in order to check for flyers, newsletters, and work assignments. This is an excellent daily communication tool.